Monday, October 10, 2011

Environmental activities book

This new book consists of 'Activities' that students can do on various environmental topics. Environment ceased to be a sideshow recently, after the country’s apex curriculum setter and the two dominant education boards decided to allocate scores to the subject in the crucial school-leaving examinations. As per the current guidelines, the assessment will not be based on the conventional ‘study-text-books-write-examination’ mode. Grades will depend on how active the examinee has been ‘on the ground’. CSE's Environment Education Unit has always been working towards providing easy-to-understand reading material. Our new publication on this subject is an attempt to lend teachers a helping hand. It unfolds in two sections: Climate Change: how to make sense of it all, & Natural Resources: how to share and care. Here, the key issues selected adhere strictly to curriculum guidelines. However, they are introduced to students not as a paragraph to memorise, but as an activity to do. Each activity sheet begins with a Curriculum Connect, a brief note to teachers that matches suggested assignments to the curriculum stream (sciences, social sciences etc.) and to the class level (primary, mid or senior). Likewise, Gobar Gyan, a succinct backgrounder, that precedes each activity set, explains to students why they are being asked to do the task. We have made a determined effort to make each of these four-page activity sheets self contained. Each activity sheet includes references to external information materials, online linkages and relevant data. Introductory price of the book is Rs 290/- (USD39) Order multiple copies of this activity book as you will need to make copies of the various activities to be given out to students as assignments. For Indian Buyers: Send your payment by DD/Cheque payable AT PAR for the required amount, drawn in favour of Centre for Science and Environment, payable in New Delhi. You can also order your copies online by visiting For foreign buyers (outside India): Centre for Science and Environment 41Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi For any further clarification please write at Regards Vikaas khanna

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