Submit byMarch 15th (SAVE $50)
FULL FEEDBACK on either the 1st chapter or entire novel book from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Get your novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.
SUBMIT your novel now (both your 1st chapter or full novel accepted) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events
2b. FOR the ENTIRE NOVEL feedback - Pay the $170 submission fee ($50 off regular fee) via the button below. Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
3. Email your story to info@wildsound.ca in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.
In the body in the email please add your:
- TYPE OF STORY (genre, length)
- (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your story.
ALL SUBMITTED STORIES and FILMS GET FULL FEEDBACK - The goal of the WILDsound Writing Festivals is to help everyone involved grow as an artist, so we will offer some kind of constructive criticism whether or not we accept your entry for the formal festival.
There is no festival like this!
Mainly what this contest does is give exposure to the writer. They will be able to obtain a solid agent, plus get notice by producers looking for writers like yourself. NOTE: The writer will always own 100% rights to their story. The only thing we do is help the writer. Either with notes on their next draft, or gain exposure by having their story showcased at our festival.
FULL FEEDBACK on either the 1st chapter or entire novel book from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Get your novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.
SUBMIT your novel now (both your 1st chapter or full novel accepted) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events
Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation
Just VOTED one of the top festivals in the world today!
Festival Review - Read testimonials of past submitters who sent in their 1st chapter or entire novel.
Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.
Festival Review - Read testimonials of past submitters who sent in their 1st chapter or entire novel.
Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.
A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you're looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it's read online using a top professional actor. It's a rush you'll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.
The RULES are simple:
1. Write a story. Edit the heck out of it. We accept novels in all genres.
NEW: All submissions to this contest also get a FREE LOGLINE listing on this site. Go to theLOGLINE submission page and submit your logline information.
2a. FOR 1st CHAPTER of your novel - Pay the $45 submission fee via the button below.Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
2a. FOR 1st CHAPTER of your novel - Pay the $45 submission fee via the button below.Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
2b. FOR the ENTIRE NOVEL feedback - Pay the $170 submission fee ($50 off regular fee) via the button below. Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
3. Email your story to info@wildsound.ca in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.
In the body in the email please add your:
- TYPE OF STORY (genre, length)
- (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your story.
ALL SUBMITTED STORIES and FILMS GET FULL FEEDBACK - The goal of the WILDsound Writing Festivals is to help everyone involved grow as an artist, so we will offer some kind of constructive criticism whether or not we accept your entry for the formal festival.
There is no festival like this!
Mainly what this contest does is give exposure to the writer. They will be able to obtain a solid agent, plus get notice by producers looking for writers like yourself. NOTE: The writer will always own 100% rights to their story. The only thing we do is help the writer. Either with notes on their next draft, or gain exposure by having their story showcased at our festival.