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The Mysterious Life After Death
Schism between the metaphysical and the physical
Parur S.Ganesan
Ghosts and God have many things in common-their existence has always been under challenge. They exist only for the believers. Non-believers known as atheists, rationalists, or agnostics strongly contest the very concept. No one has won this eternally favorite slugfest. Those who believe in God have legions to narrate of their experiences. Similarly, many believe in ghosts and have stories to narrate of their personal experiences. In both, the belief is born out of personal experience. A recent survey by a leading newspaper in Mumbai reported that 55% of those whom they interviewed believed in ghosts, while as many as 25% have either seen ghosts or have had ghost experiences. Strangely, the two schools of thought have been maintaining their beliefs and disbeliefs from time immemorial all over the world perpetuating the confusion of the metaphysical and the physical,
The ancient Greeks, Romans, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists- all believe in extra terrestrial influences. Many feel that there are certainly some things beyond our realm. In Japan and China, as in India the belief is manifested through worship of spirits of the departed. For the Chinese, an ancestor is not just some one to honour, but also some one whose needs must be met and maintained. The living is obligated to tend to the wants of the dead by continuous offerings or risk consequences. Ancestor worship is also prevalent in Australia and Pacific Islands. To the Africans, ghosts are a part of their social living and thinking.. The Shamans of Mexico also are great believers of ghosts and spirits.
Plato did believe that there existed something within the huge vacuum between the world and the immortal world. Ancient Tibetan literature, the Old Testament and Hindu mythology contain several references to ghosts and spirits. Ghosts, Gobblins, Gnomes, Ghouls, Apparitions, Vampires, Witches, Imps, Werewolves and other wild spirits are several manifestations of this mysterious life after death. In the medieval period Shakespeare in England, Dante in Italy and the intelligentsia in general were influenced by the concept of spirits and ghosts. The Western mystical circles do talk of an "astral plane" as also of heaven, hell and purgatory. While heaven is a state of bliss and hell is payback for sins, purgatory is a correction center en route to heaven. Hindus do believe in karma and life after death situations.
Scientists believe that without physical proof, all notions of God, ghosts, angels, the (Holy) spirit and even soul itself and consequently life after death are worthy only to be discarded. Science does not accept out-of-sensory objects. To the rationalists, hell and heaven are poetic imagination and so are reincarnations and transmigration of souls. They hold that belief in ghosts and for that matter even God is childhood impressions inerasably stamped in a virgin and all absorbing mind carried forward for generations by the community. According to them ghost experiences should be dismissed as freaks or a hold-over created by mind arising out of paranoid or paranormal experiences. Thus there is a schism between science and metaphysics.
The believers contest that ghosts are real and about physical. They embody in shadowy forms of people who cannot find a way to leave the world, out of attachment or unfulfilled desires.. .Real ghost experiences have been recorded and confirmed by many occupying exalted and high positions in society including celebrities. Scientists may dismiss these experiences coming out of an esoteric frame of mind, often conditioned by the environment they live in ; they externalize these beliefs by giving them a form and shape. Thus the conflict zone between the skeptics and the believers has not been bridged.
While on this topic, the thought provoking and analytical findings of Padma Vibhushan Shri.V.R.Krishna Iyer, former Judge of the Supreme Court needs special reference.
Justice Shri.Krishna Iyer who was propelled to study this subject since 1973 after his wife's unexpected demise has conducted, in his typical trait, extensive and intensive search and research on the vexed question of life beyond death.. His conclusion is that death is a transition and not a termination. It is a punctuation mark and not a full stop. After discussing this subject with many eminent researchers world over with polarized views on the life after riddle, Mr. Krishna Iyer has also discovered the big answers to the ever perplexing riddles of karma, reincarnation, transmigration of souls, Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP), Near Death Experience (NDE), with factual foundations.
In Japan many children do remember World War II with identical experiences. To the Tibetans when the Dalai lama dies his reincarnation is predetermined. Old Testament does consider reincarnation possible What explanation have rationalists to give on a Buddhia Singh at five taking to Marathon in Orissa, or to a little Srinivas of Tamil Nadu playing at ease, difficult classical tunes in mandolin at the age of four explaining to a spell bound audience the concept of each note (raga)? Recently, a four year girl living in a remote village of UP claimed that her real name was Kalpana Chawla, the astronaut who died in the skies four years ago in the US space shuttle crash. She has been narrating to her illiterate parents details of her journey in the space shuttle and how she died in the crash. To every one's surprise, she also mentions the name of Kalpana's father. San Francisco based reincarnation researcher Walter Semkiw's book "Born Again" has documented past lives of several celebrities in various fields. These include actor Shah Rukh Khan as reincarnation of the famous Bengalee dancer and actor Sadhana Bose and Amitabh Bacchan as reincarnation of Victorian actor Edwin Booth in his past life. The book further identifies President Abdul Kalam as Tipu Sultan reincarnate.
Belief in mystical science is based on experience. In the beginning few will accept it, but over a period, with repetitive experiences one gets into the belief system. We die and come back as somebody else, carrying with us certain karmik tendencies. People claiming to have total recall of previous life, are still looked at with amazement.
.* The author was in the Indian Economic Service and later Director, Garware Polyester".GHOSTS, OCCULTS & EXORCISTS-" a book written by the author narrating his own real experiences with ghosts and sprits is being published shortly.
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