Book Title: Good Times for Everyone
Sub-Title: Sexuality Questions, Feminist Answers
Author: Radhika Chandiramani
ISBN- 81-88965-48-0
Paperback edition, Pages 212, Price: Rs.200
Publisher: Women Unlimited(An associate of Kali for Women)
Is sex important? And if it is do we ever get around to talking about it? Considering the size of the population in India there’s no doubt that Indians are well versed in the basic concept of reproduction- at least to the extent that they manage to reproduce quite successfully. But is sex about numbers alone or is it also about priming our bodies to the tune of pleasure and ecstasy.
Radhika Chandiramani works and writes on issues of sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and rights. She is Executive Director of Tarshi, the South and Southeast Asia Resourse center on Sexuality and also co-director of the sexuality and rights institute. She has been the recipient of the Mac Arthur Fellowship for Leadership development and the Soros Reproductive Health and Rights Fellowship. This collection of Questions and answers on sexuality related concerns is compiled from her highly popular column ‘Midlife Crisis’ in The Asian Age.
We Indians have been programmed since childbirth to believe that talking about sex is ‘chi-chi’ and sexual intercourse is generally proscribed as an act that was more or less meant to procreate and not to pleasure. But globalization has brought in more awareness of the world around us and sexual mores have begun to change with time. Indians living in the metros can no longer be considered conservative or prudish about sex and those living in the small-towns and villages are also becoming more aware of the outside world thanks to television and it’s daily feed of degenerative programming. Even cinema has contributed to this awareness. ‘Kamagni’ , ‘Aastha’ and ‘Rihaee’ are films about sexuality and sex made by well-known directors, that were received with great enthusiasm at the box-office. That was more than ten years ago. The nation is today seen to be talking about it’s sex life with a lot more curiosity and openness but underneath it all are many misconceptions that are never cleared for want of appropriate forums for intimate discussion. Ignorance is definitely not bliss in this case , in fact ignorance in this area can cause grievous harm to the mental and physical well-being of the individual.
Sexuality is something that we experience on a daily basis through the way we feel. It is also a subject of much political discussion, academic discourse and clinical research.The recent changes in the media industry and the astonishing reach of satellite television and FM radio has changed not only our lifestyles but also the way we look at ourselves. MTV & V channels’ music videos, American television series like Baywatch, Santa Barbara , Bold and the Beautiful, programs like ‘Meow between the sheets’ on 104.5 FM, popular columns like ‘Midlife crisis ‘ in the Asian Age and organisations like TARSHI( Talking about Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues), Sappho, Humjinsi and Humsafar and many more, have all contributed in some form or the other in clearing out the misconceptions and spreading awareness about sexual and reproductive health. Today the Supreme court is being petitioned to amend article 377 and our Union Health Minister, Shri Ambumani Ramadoss has given clear signals that he is in favor of the amendment. We can therefore say in all humility that India is certainly a far more liberal society today than it was a decade or so ago. In light of all these amazing transitions that are taking place in our India it is most fortunate that we are also being gifted this very invaluable anthology by Clinical Psychologist Radhika Chandiramani. This book approaches the topic of sexuality without the acoutrements of clinical gloves, moralistic lenses or preaching pedantic tones. It is based on real questions asked by real people about real problems they face. And the answers are humorous and accurate and given from a sexuality affirming perspective. This collection is truly invaluable for those who place their physical and mental well-being above all else.
Baby John #PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas
3 months ago